Can't find what you want?
Because one of our core virtues is that if you can see it on the online store then we have it in our stock room ready for shipping, its entirely possible that you might not be able to find what it is you're wanting. If we dont have in stock the item you want, then why not place a 'Special Order Request'. You'll still get the same great service as well as our standard discounted price (in most cases). Simply submit your shopping list - go on. It's easy!
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Currently we are taking special order requests for most ranges from all of our suppliers - if it's not on the list just ask!
Bolt Action
Gates of Antares
Project Z
Hail Caesar
Pike & Shotte
Black Powder
War World Basing Materials
Kings of War
The Walking dead
Army Painter War Paints (SPRAY CANS: pLEASE nOTE: dUE TO THE COMPRESSED NATURE OF SPRAY PAINT WE WILL ONLY BE ABLE TO SPECIAL ORDER ARMY PAINTER SPRAYS. a SPECIALIST COURIER IS REQUIRED TO CARRY PROPELLENT BASED LIQUIDS. sPRAY cANS AND ORDERS CONTAINING SPRAYCANS ARE SADLY EXEMPT FROM ALL FREE POSTAGE OFFERS. postage on these items is currently increased to £10 due to the need of a specialist courier and will be outlined when your order is placed. Finally, spray cans are only available to be shipped to the uk. This only applys to army painter sprays.)
When you submit your request we'll look over your shopping list and check if we are able to get it for you, what the price will be, and confirm shipping (if you are in the UK this will be standard shipping costs which are added at check out, if you are making an enquiry from the wider world we will let you know what shipping cost is involved and whether we are able to ship to your location so please supply us with an address if you can). We'll tend to do this by e-mail unless your message states otherwise. When we contact you we will ask if you wish to go ahead with the special order and should you be happy, we'll then further contact you to arrange a special listing on the website which will be available for 24 hours allowing you to purchase your items.
DATA PROTECTION: By placing a Special Order you are granting RK Studio access to your personal details so we can communicate and post your order to you. We never sell your information to 3rd parties and we never will! If you wish us to remove your contact information after your order has been completed then please let us know in your request. We use Paypal Payment to ensure that all invoices are stored as securely as possible.
CUSTOMERS ABROAD: If you are not in the UK there's still a good chance we can get your items to you! Simply fill in the form with your shopping list (including items we have in stock on store page) and we'll get in contact with you to let you know about delivery and whether we can complete you're order in its entirety (please note that some countries have shipping restrictions which may impede us being able to get your order to you so please do include at least the country or the address you will be needing to send items to).
PLEASE NOTE: After you have bought a special order there is no cancellation or 'cooling off' period as these are tailored orders. However if you have a problem please feel free to let us know and we'll see if there is anything we can do. These items are ones not in our stock room (some are even made to order) so please be aware that this can mean a slight wait on shipping (we will keep in contact with you the entire time if this is the case - no leaving you high and dry here!) so please be patient. If you have not bought the special order item from our website as detailed in our communications with you within the 24 hour period we will delete your request and you will need to re-submit (this is so we can keep the website running smoothly for our other users).
By the way we know all that reading is scary stuff but we'd like to let you know that 99.9% of our special orders have gone without a hitch so far!